Thursday, November 02, 2006

Ass Kissing is Totally A Way of Life

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*Begin Transmission*

Howdy pard'nur.

How boring was today? Pretty boring I tell you.

I got to wake up late because I had the breakfast for Bank of America this morning. Me and mom rushed out of the house and got there at like 8:20, mom ironically forgetting to grab the umbrella from the car (which will be important later).

When I walk in to get my nametag, the lady tells me, I just wanted to let you know, when your name is called, there will be about 20-30 seconds for you to say a few words.


The ceremony was cool however, I met 3 kids I didn't know who were also being honored, and 1 I did know (weird story I'll tell you later). So blah blah blah time goes on I'm sitting eating breakfast trying to formulate words to say when I get called up. Thankfully I'm called up second. I make my speech (which was amazing bee tee double-u), picture picture, sit.

Everyone else is recognized, and finally it's time to leave. I check my phone, and it's 11:20. Crap, I don't wanna go to school now. So the next 20 minutes was spent schmoozing with all the other people who won. Hopefully I'm going to be doing something with Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens soon.

So me and mom finish up, walk outside, and either God was just dumped, or He forgot to turn off His faucet. We wait about 30-40 minutes seeing if it'll clear up, and obviously it doesn't. So we run through the rain, getting completely soaked, to get to the car. We get home, and I really don't feel like going to school now. So I change into my pajamas and sit there watching T.V.

And thus ends the story of my day (minus a nap).

On to the random portion.

I really want to take AP Art now. But the FLVS class is closed for the year :(. Man...I don't want to have to wait till next year to take it.

Also, I want to make a website called or something like that.

My vision? I have people take a picture of every item in their closet and upload it to a file server that can be accessed by this website. Then, they ask me to go in and select an outfit for them from their current wardrobe. Wouldn't that be cool? I could add functionality features like being able to denote if a piece is in the dry cleaners or in the dirty clothes.

Now all I need to do is learn PHP and implement my idea. (The hard part, you know?)

Well, thus ends my update on today.

*End Transmission*

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

"Nickel Nitrate"

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So I decided to start blogging for real today.

Why? Because if I get into MIT I want to be on their blogging team. Dorky, huh? yeah, shush.

Let's have a recap of my day.

There was no sun today in Ruppel, when does that ever happen? Power to the teachers for working the contract. I've got like 10 pages of notes on his powerpoints and lectures so far, but hey, it's a better habit than sitting there staring into space.

Book Club meeting was huge today, I guess they dumped all the kids in who wanted to b.s. I was running around all period trying to give boxes to teachers for the book drive we're having. At least Reb is giving extra credit, God knows how much everyone in her class needs it.

Physics? What else do we do in physics? Sudoku....period.

Comp Sci- Still working with arrays with Group 1 (the beginner group). She told us to implement a binary search *jugular*. It works sometimes, but not all the times :(. I need to fine tune it and think of a way to make it work.

History- ....*snooze*....Federalist? Republican? What? another chapter I don't care to listen to.

Ceramics- Kirk has food poisoning so we had Mr. Barrow as a sub. I went to the Carnegie Mellon presentation which was cool. (number 2 engineering choice for sure) Then I went back to ceramics and I sat on Jamie's lap and we repeated Family Guy quotes and cracked up the whole time.

Chem- Wow. Our lab report wasn't due today, thank Jeebus. So he wanted us to repeat the experiment the honors kids did using a colorimeter on "Nickel Nitrate"...turns out it was water with green food coloring, LMAO.

I really wanna read Frankenstein again. I liked that book a lot. *random*

Glenda you're such a carpetbagger! We know JMac is your cover up for your carpet-ness. "LAWLZ IM A SCENESTER!"

Anyways, tomorrow is my breakfast at the biltmore for the Bank of America Student Leaders Award that I'm recieving, that should be fun, my mom's coming with.

Final Fantasy XII came out and I totally want it but that would cut into the money I have for any sort of camera (which I'm in desperate need of :( ). Oh the dilemma,


I need people to start reading my blog. Like, now. I want comments.

Oh, and suggestions on the cam I should get? It needs to be about or less than $300.

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